The Arc CCR Introduces New Interim Executive Director

The Arc of the Central Chesapeake Region Board of Directors announces the appointment of Allen Hatton as the new interim executive director. Hatton is following Kate Rollason who is retiring at the end of September. Allen will hold the position approximately 9 months while the Board prepares for and launches a search for Kate’s successor. […]

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Executive director of The Arc retiring

Long time executive director of The Arc Central Chesapeake Region, Kate Rollason, is retiring from her position as of September 30, 2016.  She has served as Executive Director for over 18 years. To say that Rollason is a maverick in the world of intellectual and developmental disability is a bit of an understatement. From the […]

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The Arc CCR Receives $40k LDC grant from Maryland Live

The Cordish Companies’ Maryland Live! Casino and Anne Arundel County today awarded more than $18.6 million in local impact grants for fiscal year 2017 to various grant recipients as recommended by the Local Development Council (LDC), which helps to manage the allocation of county gaming tax revenue to local organizations.Joe Weinberg, Managing Partner of The […]

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