Family Fund
The application period for the Family Fund is closed for the year.
What is the Family Fund?
The Family Fund is a grant designed to provide financial assistance and essential resources to families navigating the complexities of raising children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Many effective resources, therapies, and services make an incredible difference in the quality of life for children with IDD but are not covered by insurance and are out of reach financially for the families who need access to them the most.
The Family Fund has grown from distributing $14,000 in its first year to awarding nearly $95,000 to 107 children in 2024 for therapies, respite care, educational assistance, camps, and more.
What will the Family Fund Support?
The Family Fund supports life-enriching opportunities not covered by insurance, including specialized speech therapy, equine therapy, customized leg braces, swimming lessons, music lessons, and more.
What matters most is the impact on your child’s quality of life. Applications that clearly demonstrate impact on the child (and family) are more likely to be funded. Please note: The Family Fund will not support requests for home improvements or renovations, bill or utility payments, groceries, personal care items, debt repayment, or prior funded services.
Who Is Eligible & How Can I Apply?
The application period for the Family Fund is closed for the year. To be eligible, families must:
- Have a child with IDD under the age of 21 as of January 1, 2025.
- Live in one of the nine counties supported by The Arc Central Chesapeake Region (Anne Arundel, Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Talbot, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, Wicomico, Worcester).
- Complete and submit the online application before February 21, 2025.
The Arc’s team is committed to ensuring every eligible family has the opportunity to receive the support they need. If you require assistance completing the online application or English is your second language, please get in touch with our Family Navigator at prior to February 21, 2025.
Tips for a Strong Application
Once received, applications are reviewed by a committee, and applicants will be notified of a decision (including no funding) by March 22, 2025. Applications should be as complete and detailed as possible, highlighting the impact requests will have on the child and family.
When completing your application, we strongly recommend you:
- Be thorough: Provide detailed and accurate information about your request.
- Share costs: Include specific costs that support your request – like exact model numbers, cost per session, etc. These details will help the committee determine an appropriate award amount if you are awarded partial funding.
- Share impact: Use the application to explain how the grant will make a difference in your family’s life and for your child in particular.